Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The treadmill of parenthood

Runnes by nature hate treadmills.
Nothing to look at.
You are just on running in place no forward motion.

If that isn't parenthood I'm not sure what it is?

Yesterday marked another "get crap done day"

I woke up way to hear my husband running the vacuum....why? oh there is water coming in the basement
I begrudgingly get out of my nice warm bed to start my never ending day
Husband wakes up the first oldest and he is in the shower. Once he's out I wake up 2nd oldest to get him in the shower and ready for school.
I throw in my first load of laundry knowing full well that's not the end of that
Youngest son wakes up on his own and at full volume and energy as usual.
I start tinkering with the dishwasher to see if I can fix it (it wouldn't yesterday). Well apparently I did something right because it started running (just call me MacGyver or lucky....either way ill take it)
Get 2nd oldest out the door to the bus reminding him it's cold and yes coats are mandatory.
Call my dad and ask him to drive oldest to school since I have way to much happening to get him there (I am so lucky to have my dad, he is a huge help for me....lesson 1 I am not super mom and know when to call in reinforcements)
Get the youngest son out the door to the bus he is happy to stand in the rain dispute the fact our bus stop is our driveway and he can stand nice and dry on the front porch or in the garage.
Now my youngest has finally decided to get out of her nice warm bed (um why is it when I want to sleep in she is up at 7am but oh no today it's a leisurely roll out of bed at 830am day)
Time to make my bed and clean my dresser and nightstand. It's full of my children's stuff (I know one day I will miss the frozen lip gloss,ds games and kids books cluttering my furniture)but for now it's clear and clean until the kids get home from school.
Now it's time to vacuum. That's a daily thing here...with 4 kids the dog and the cat and the fact we have more leaves on the ground outside than a national park....well there is no way I can skip even one day.
Time to rush to the store to pellets for our pellet stove. Nothing like running errands in the cold rain
On the way home get a call that 2nd oldest threw up at school.
Derailed my plans to pick him up. He feels fine and he has a nervous stomach but home he is for the rest of the day
Now it's off to take oldest son to his orthopedist appt
It's official he needs surgery on his knee
There is never a good time for surgery especially around the holidays but we are all scheduled for Dec 4th
Now to drop him back to school
Then to rush home and put 2nd oldest in bed and feed the youngest
And then it's a mad dash back out the door to take her to preschool
Then it's home to switch the laundry, wrap a few Christmas and birthday presents
2.5 hours are over in a flash and it's time to pick up the youngest and the oldest at there schools.
I quickly drop them at home and pick up 2nd oldest as it's time for his doctors appt.
That lasts an hour and it's the mad dash home to get the youngest as she has cheer tumbling
Thank goodness the oldest got him dressed for me
But since I'm mom of the year it's McDonald's for dinner.
And then a 2hr class. And then it's home for bath and bed.

It's another treadmill day......

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